GOODLAND BEE SUPPLY Double Deep Brood Box and Double Super Box 4 Tier Beginners Beehive Kit with Beehive Frames and Foundations – GL4STACK



Goodland Bee Supply has created the GL4STACK beginning beekeepers kit to make beekeeping a snap to get started. The GoodLand GL4STACK beehive kit has all the essentials (except the bees) to get you started on your beekeeping adventures. The beehive is made from long-lasting kiln dried pine and has all the necessities included from top to bottom for a successful beginning hive. Included in the GoodLand GL4STACK is a full telescoping hive cover which “telescopes” over the top box to protect the hive. One inner cover creates a dead air space to help insulate the hive from the heat and cold. Two “Brood Chambers” which are the bee’s living quarters. This kit includes one queen excluder which keeps the queen bee in the brood chambers as she is too large to pass through the excluder. This prevents the queen from laying eggs in the top supers allowing only honey to be produced. Included in the GL4STACK are two super top boxes. Made from kiln dried pine this kit includes 20 large and 20 small frames, 20 each large and small Pierco pre-waxed black plastic foundations. One Bottom Board or “base” which forms the floor of the hive. One entrance reducer to protect the hive from mice and help regulate temperature during winter.